Mr. LI Xiao graduated from the School of Law, Jilin University with a degree of master in law. He used to work at three top ranking intellectual property companies in China, namely, Sanyou, Chofn IP, and China Trademark & Patent Law Office Co., Ltd., mainly engaging in safeguarding intellectual property rights, data compliance, and civil and commercial disputes.
Mr. LI Xiao represented many well-known Chinese and foreign companies in safeguarding their intellectual property rights, including Alibaba Group, Honda China, Krautzberger of Germany, JP Morgan, Wuliangye, Roadstar Management Co., Ltd. of Switzerland, Condé Nast Publications Inc. of France, People’s Liberation Army Armored Force Academy, Publishing House of Electronics Industry, etc. The “Double 11” series trademark cases handled by Mr. LI ranked top 10 in Weibo Hot Search on November 10 for two consecutive years; in these cases, one court trial was broadcasted live in Society and Law of CCTV 12, one court trial was conducted under the witness of various media and several deputies to the National People’s Congress, and another court trial was used as a training model for apprentice lawyers.
Moreover, thanks to his efforts for foreign related business, Mr. LI Xiao is competent in written and oral business English. He made an English speech entitled Use of Consumer Investigated Evidence in China as the representative of Chinese lawyers at the Asian Branch of AIPPI in 2019.
Social Titles and Honors:
Member of the Committee for Intellectual Property Rights of Chaoyang District Lawyers Association, Senior Compliance Officer, and patent agent
Some typical litigation cases:
[Supreme People’s Court] Retrial case of administrative dispute over reexamination on trademark revocation between a Switzerland company and a Lebanon company
[Beijing High People’s Court] Series cases of administrative disputes over invalidation of the trademark “Double 11” between Alibaba Group and Jingdong
[Supreme People’s Court] Retrial case of administrative dispute over reexamination on trademark rejection between a central enter and China National Intellectual Property Administration
[Hangzhou Intermediate People’s Court] Series cases of trademark infringement between Shanghai X Co., Ltd. and several other companies
[Beijing Intellectual Property Court] Case of administrative dispute for reexamination on trademark rejection between Petroleum Authority of Thailand and China National Intellectual Property Administration
[Beijing Intellectual Property Court] Case of administrative dispute for reexamination on trademark rejection between Phoenix TV Group and China National Intellectual Property Administration
Series cases for safeguarding copyright of Publishing House of Electronics Industry
Some typical non-litigation cases:
Handled the online complaints, issuance of a lawyer’s letter, safeguarding rights at an exhibition, and administrative complaints concerning nearly 200 cases of infringement of intellectual property rights by Honda
Series cases of objection to trademark and invalidation of People’s Liberation Army Armored Force Academy